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9 results found
The Godfather Part III (1990)
Follows Michael Corleone, now in his 60s, as he seeks to free his family from crime and find a suitable successor to his empire.
Distributor: SAMfilm
Release Date: 9.4.2025, Length: 2h 42 min
Genres: Drama, Crime, Goldies, Godfather
Rating: 16 year age limit
The Godfather Part II (1974)
The early life and career of Vito Corleone in 1920s New York City is portrayed, while his son, Michael, expands and tightens his grip on the family crime syndicate.
Distributor: SAMfilm
Release Date: 2.4.2025, Length: 3h 22 min
Genres: Drama, Crime, Goldies, Godfather
Rating: 12 year age limit
The Godfather (1972)
The aging patriarch of an organized crime dynasty in postwar New York City transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant youngest son.
Distributor: SAMfilm
Release Date: 26.3.2025, Length: 2h 55 min
Genres: Drama, Goldies, Godfather
Rating: 16 year age limit
Knox Goes Away
When a contract killer has a rapidly evolving form of dementia, he is offered an opportunity to redeem himself by saving the life of his estranged adult son.
Distributor: SAMfilm
Release Date: 19.4.2024, Length: 1h 54 min
Genres: Thriller
Rating: 16 year age limit
Michael Keaton
A group of high-end professional thieves start to feel the heat from the LAPD when they unknowingly leave a clue at their latest heist.
Distributor: SAMfilm
Release Date: 30.3.2023, Length: 2h 50 min
Genres: Drama, Action, -, Crime, Bíótöfrar
Rating: 16 year age limit
Michael Mann
House of Gucci
Spanning three decades of love, betrayal, decadence, revenge, and ultimately murder, we see what a name means, what it's worth, and how far a family will go for control.
Distributor: Myndform
Release Date: 3.12.2021, Length: 2h 37 min
Genres: Drama, Thriller, Crime
Rating: 12 year age limit
Ridley Scott
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
A faded TV actor and his stunt double strive to achieve fame and success in the film industry during the final years of Hollywood's Golden Age in 1969 Los Angeles.
Distributor: Max Dreifing
Release Date: 14.8.2019, Length: 2h 41 min
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Rating: 16 year age limit
Quentin Tarantino
Stand Up Guys
A pair of aging stickup men try to get the old gang back together for one last hurrah before one of the guys takes his last assignment - to kill his comrade.
Distributor: SAMfilm
Release Date: 22.11.2013, Length: 1h 30 min
Genres: Drama, Biography
Rating: 12 year age limit
Jack and Jill
Distributor: Max Dreifing
Release Date: 25.11.2011, Length: 1h 31 min
Genres: Comedy
Rating: Allowed
Dennis Dugan