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3 results found
Leynilögga (12 ára+)
A tough 'Supercop' begins to lose his cool, fighting an inner struggle while investigating a string of bank robberies where nothing seems to have been stolen.
Distributor: SAMfilm
Release Date: 20.10.2021, Length: 1h 39 min
Genres: Comedy, Action
Rating: 12 year age limit
Leynilögga (16 ára+)
A tough 'Supercop' begins to lose his cool, fighting an inner struggle while investigating a string of bank robberies where nothing seems to have been stolen.
Distributor: SAMfilm
Release Date: 20.10.2021, Length: 1h 39 min
Genres: Comedy, Action
Rating: 16 year age limit
Lífsleikni Gillz
Í Lífsleikni Gillz heldur Egill Einarsson (eða Þykki-G-Höfðinginn) áfram að fræða og upplýsa Íslendinga um hvað má og hvað ekki í öllu milli himins og jarðar.
Distributor: SAMfilm
Release Date: 7.2.2014, Length: 1h 41 min
Genres: Comedy
Rating: 12 year age limit