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2 results found
Search Party
A pair of friends embark on a mission to reunite their pal with the woman he was going to marry.
Distributor: Myndform
Release Date: 23.1.2015, Length: 1h 33 min
Genres: Comedy
Rating: 12 year age limit
Scot Armstrong
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Based on the books "Confessions of a Shopaholic" and "Shopaholic Takes Manhattan" by Sophie Kinsella. Rebecca Bloomwood (Isla Fisher) is a 25 year old who lives with her best friend Suze (Krysten Ritter) in Suze's flat (paying her friend rent that is well below market value), in a trendy part of town.
Distributor: SAMfilm
Release Date: 27.2.2009, Length: 1h 40 min
Genres: Comedy, Romance
Rating: Allowed